About Me

I am an artist in all forms of the word. I graduated from Columbia College Chicago with a degree in traditional animation in 2010. I paint, sketch, draw, animate, sculpt...you name it. I also enjoy other arts including music and dancing. This blog is all about what makes me happy. :) Enjoy!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

My Updated Animation Reel

Sketching the Day Away

Just some recent images from my sketchbook. 


I started doing these characters just for fun and ended up really getting into them. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


My goal for this was to do an entire image using the polygonal lasso tool and filling shapes with color.

Monday, April 25, 2011

I wish I had a better quality shot of this, but this was the very first watercolor I ever attempted. It was a gift for my sister-in-law for Christmas. I think it turned out really well. The caption at the bottom reads "No evil shall befall you, no affliction come near your tent. For God commands the angels to guard you in all your ways. Psalm 91: 10-11"


Another one of the animals from the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago that I really fell in love with drawing. I have so many sketches of this little guy.

I also did some sketches of other animals that aren't fully developed yet.

This was a series of different characters I designed that I just fell in love with drawing. It all started with one girl in particular that I can't seem to find at the moment. She is wearing a red dress and has a huge hat on. She was inspired by a line from the movie "Wedding Crashers" about a proper girl in a hat that I don't think is appropriate to write out at the moment. :)


I also found some of the line art from the girls that I haven't finished coloring:

I've been experimenting with watercolors lately. This particular one was inspired by a friend of mine who recently got engaged and was wedding dress shopping.


One of the many animals I couldn't get enough of at the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago.

Wish Upon a Star

My sister-in-law and my niece.

Blues Town

Some concept art of a town that I imagine would have a lot of bluesy/jazzy music blaring from the open windows and doors until all hours of the night.

Brass Monkey

THIS was a fun one. Among other types of dancing I do hip-hop. I told my best friend one day that I wanted to do a trio to "Brass Monkey" by the Beastie Boys. I told her three white girls hip-hop dancing to three white boys rapping would be so great! She told me she just COULD NOT picture it. So, being the artist I am what do I do??? I draw it out for her so she doesn't have to try to picture it. I had a blast doing this one because I was experimenting with applying pieces of real photographs to the drawn image. Plus, it's three white girls dancing to Brass Monkey. Who wouldn't have a blast imagining that!?

Just some cool, stylized dudes I doodled in my sketchbook one day.

Lucky Night Casino

This was a really fun image to do. I was goofing around with Photoshop just trying different techniques and, eventually, this is what came out of it. I loved using the different patterns and effects. So fun!

A cute little bluebird I did one day when I was bored.

Love Story

This was a short story that a friend of mine wrote for her boy on their anniversary. She wanted me to illustrate it for her and gave me free rein to do what I wanted with it. This is what I came up with.

Some crazy little zoo animals and their keeper I designed one day for fun.

The Game and Halloween

These little guys are actually caricatures of my brother, sisters, and I. I started to design different scenarios that would be typical of our family and relationship with each other. It has now become a game between us to be the one to think of the next scenario our characters will be part of.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

This is my stop motion project that I made for a dear friend of mine and her sister. I designed and made the puppets, made and lit the set, and animated it. The music was written by a good friend of mine, Aaron Guzzo.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I had a couple of free hours on my hands the other day so I decided to practice a walk cycle.

Monday, April 12, 2010

These are some different pieces of artwork I've done over the years. I've pulled some from my sketchbook and some from life drawing classes ranging from 30 second studies to 4-5 hour studies.