About Me

I am an artist in all forms of the word. I graduated from Columbia College Chicago with a degree in traditional animation in 2010. I paint, sketch, draw, animate, sculpt...you name it. I also enjoy other arts including music and dancing. This blog is all about what makes me happy. :) Enjoy!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Brass Monkey

THIS was a fun one. Among other types of dancing I do hip-hop. I told my best friend one day that I wanted to do a trio to "Brass Monkey" by the Beastie Boys. I told her three white girls hip-hop dancing to three white boys rapping would be so great! She told me she just COULD NOT picture it. So, being the artist I am what do I do??? I draw it out for her so she doesn't have to try to picture it. I had a blast doing this one because I was experimenting with applying pieces of real photographs to the drawn image. Plus, it's three white girls dancing to Brass Monkey. Who wouldn't have a blast imagining that!?

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